Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The First Time

I was spending the weeknd with my grandmother.  Up the road was a Kangaroo Gas Station.  Many times me and my cousins would walk up there to buy coke and candy, plus the occasional ice cream.  It was always so hot we had to eat the ice cream in the parking lot.  It never would have survived the way home.

One day in this gas station was a claw machine.  It wasn't filled but it had several stuffed animals inside.  I decided to give it a try, putting in my twenty five cents.  I manuevered it around and went for a teddy bear.  I missed it but I knew I get it.  I took my time and finally got the teddy bear.  I had ever intention of giving this bear to my mother.  My cousin Tasha wanted me to win something too.  I put in more change and finally got her something.  Sadly, I don't remember what.

I was 15 at the time and I knew . . . . .I just knew.  I knew I'd be good at that game.  Now, you're probably asking, well how does he remember he got his teddy bear for his mother and not his cousin?  Easy.  My mom kept the bear.  She had continued to hold onto it.  I scanned it a while ago but sadly, I've lost the picture.  Believe me, I've spent the last hour searching for it.  But at any rate, below is a cartoon of me showcasing my prowess for the enjoyment of toys my cousin recieved.

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